Top 3 ways to make money from your Amsterdam property while you travel

February 20, 2023
How To

Top 3 Ways to Make Money From Your Property While You Travel

For the hosts! Everyone loves to get away, but why not make a few euros while you’re enjoying  your holiday? By using a rental platform, you can list your home for other travelers to rent while you’re away. Platforms like Vakay, AirBnB, VRBO, and Spotahome allow you to do just that!

  1. Vakay

By listing your property with Vakay, everything is taken care of for you, regarding contracts, bookings, etc. All you have to do is accept the clients applying to rent your space for one or more months, Vakay takes care of the rest. So, next time you are planning to take a long holiday or work remotely around the world, list your space and fund your trip at the same time. 

  1. Airbnb 

On Airbnb, you can list your home using your own photos, while managing your own calendar, prices, and guest selections. You are reviewed as a host and you also have the ability to rate your  guests. During peak and low seasons, you are able to adjust your pricing. This means you can take advantage of your own holiday season, while others enjoy your hometown at the same time. Plus, you’ll earn some extra income to spend on that holiday!
Listing with AirBnB allows for so much flexibility in scheduling and you can create a calendar limiting the number of nights a guest is required to stay in your home to ensure certain price points or allow them to crash for a quick weekend to easily fill your calendar.

  1. Spotahome

If you own an extra property or a holiday home, and want to generate some passive income, this is a great place to start. By becoming a landlord with SpotAHome, you have several options to benefit from. When you join their ‘Plus’ program, you are guaranteed a paycheck every month. Their whole idea is, “your property always booked, secured and generating constant income” - a real treat for property owners! 

Once your property is listed, you only have to pay fees if the property is rented out. This means you can have it listed with little maintenance and that Spotahome is going to be putting in great effort to share your property with its network of renters so they can earn their share of the profit!

Next time you are thinking about taking a holiday, consider your property or properties. You could benefit from a guest taking advantage of your beautiful space while you make money at the same time! 

Daniel Graaf

Software engineer with a passion for property. Likes: Property, Software, Dogs

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