Vakay Pay

Vakay Pay makes it safe to rent properties online. No more fake adverts, no more scams.

Secure a rental property you've found online without losing control of your money.


With Vakay Pay your money is safe until you collect the keys to your new property.

1. Find your apartment online

Find your apartment on Vakay or any other 3rd party property rental platform.

2. Fill in the Vakay Pay form

Here we ask for the tenant's and landlord's contact information, as well as property information such as: monthly rent, deposit amount, start and end date and the IBAN of the landlord.

Get Started

3. Pay to Vakay's secure account

Once the contracts have been signed you can transfer the deposit and first month's rent to Vakay's secured account. You and the landlord will receive confirmation when the money has been received.

4. Move in safely

When you receive the keys we transfer the first month's rent and deposit to the landlord.

5. Any questions?

Property not as expected? Any problems or questions we're here to help.